Winter has become weighty. We’ve been waiting for this time…this spaciousness of the winter in order to think through our life trajectory. Now that it’s here, what we had perceived would be a deep exhale from the previous year has us working harder than ever. The dreaming has begun! We are planning for the coming seasons with fervor. So much planning and action is required. Additionally most of the tasks that need to get done are not possible while in the company of my children.
Since our priority is to make some real and tangible change in our lives, I am planning to turn my attention away from blogging for a while in order to give some budding real-time projects the time they deserve. As a result, I may not be writing too many posts for a while.
It’s not that I don’t want to…in fact, I feel quite the opposite! I yearn for more time (who doesn’t?!) so that I can delve more deeply into some of the ideas and thinking I’ve been doing lately. There is SO MUCH GOING ON!!! The trouble is, I just can’t get to it right now.
So, for the record, I am moving this pot to the back burner…but plan to blog when I can!