I have really felt the dragging of winter in the last week. I’m itching for spring; for the fresh start. The foray into garden tasks. The longer hours of light. Less outdoor gear to pile on the wee ones. I know we’re headed there, but sometimes the journey seems to take so long. Perhaps this edge of winter seems difficult because it is forcing me to head into deeper levels of self-growth.
While reflecting on this idea, I am reminded of my impatience for change in other spheres of my life. Take my parenting journey for example…my past week has also included a roller coaster of feeling like both a success and a failure. But the compassionate part of myself is winning today, with messages like, “You’re trying your best,” and “You are modelling for your children how to recover from mistakes.”
My point here is that I expect the change to happen because I want it to, not because its the natural course of things. Spring will come, not because I want it to, but because it does. Change happens, despite ourselves. I am mindful to my impatience. Noticing. If I can keep noticing, one day I’ll notice the snow beginning to melt, another day the ground will be visible once again, and one day I will blink and suddenly see crocus leaves piercing the surface of the earth.