Manifesto of Possibility

Create Vision and Respond to Change, Earth Care, Fair Share, From Pattern to Details, Observe and Interact, People Care, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback, Use and Value Gifts from Nature

Beneath the greatest of mountains there is the same structure of matter.  All matter being comprised of the same basic elements.  How amazing to be able to look around and witness the diversity and abundance made possible by the tiniest of particles.  What whispers of truth ride on a spark?  Or hints of purpose rest […]

June 17, 2015

A Message of Activism

Choose Small and Slow Solutions, Create Vision and Respond to Change, Cultivate Diversity, Earth Care, Fair Share, Integrate, Don't Segregate, Obtain a Yield, People Care, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback, Use and Value Gifts from Nature

“If we don’t change our direction, we’re going to wind up where we’re headed” -Native American Saying I had the extreme pleasure of attending a lecture given by Starhawk last week.  I decided that her message was too important to keep to myself, so here are the salient points that I came away with… The […]

May 29, 2015

Spinning and Whirring

Catch and Store Energy, Observe and Interact, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback, Use and Value Gifts from Nature

On my recent photography foray, I drove out to the country to find some interesting subject material.  As I was taking photos, I couldn’t help but be drawn to the giant turbines dotting the industrial agricultural landscape.  The way they rise up from the barren land is quite something.  As I snapped unrelated photos, I […]

March 10, 2015