A Message of Activism

Choose Small and Slow Solutions, Create Vision and Respond to Change, Cultivate Diversity, Earth Care, Fair Share, Integrate, Don't Segregate, Obtain a Yield, People Care, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback, Use and Value Gifts from Nature

“If we don’t change our direction, we’re going to wind up where we’re headed” -Native American Saying I had the extreme pleasure of attending a lecture given by Starhawk last week.  I decided that her message was too important to keep to myself, so here are the salient points that I came away with… The […]

May 29, 2015

Airing the Closet

Consumerism, Create Vision and Respond to Change, Inner Permaculture, Observe and Interact, Parenting, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback

Last week was pretty crazy.  Between the flu running its course and attempting to return to regular routines, I wasn’t sure how I had managed life before the holidays.   The reality is that what last week was, was not my life at all, it was some sort of purgatory.  I feel like we’re back now. […]

January 14, 2015