Summer Freedoms

Cultivate Diversity, Food, Make No Waste, Obtain a Yield, Parenting, People Care, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture for Children, Permaculture Principles

I love this time of year.  This time of year where snack time means wild foraging.  Strawberries, mulberries, black caps, sorrel, wood sorrel, clover, mallow.  It is a time where shoes (and pants) are optional.  A time where dirt is added to our diet like a food group.  There are special memories being made under […]

June 26, 2015

Edible Weeds – Forage Your Yard!

Catch and Store Energy, Cultivate Diversity, Fair Share, Forest Gardening, Integrate, Don't Segregate, Make No Waste, Obtain a Yield, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture for Children, Permaculture Principles, Recipie, Use and Value Gifts from Nature

“A weed is a plant whose virtue is not yet known” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson This is a photo tour of five ‘weeds’ likely growing in your yard that you can eat!  We use all six to make our ‘weed salads’ which we eat all summer long!  The children love finding and eating many of these […]

June 5, 2015