Clearing Space

Consumerism, Create Vision and Respond to Change, Fair Share, Inner Permaculture, Life Choices, Make No Waste, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback

Now that we have decided to sell our home, we are working hard to clean the place up.  We have so many things!  Being a homeschooling family with a permaculture (make no waste) outlook means that we have a hard time letting ‘useful things’ go sometimes.  Like the pile of bricks lovingly brought home in […]

December 17, 2015


Choose Small and Slow Solutions, Create Vision and Respond to Change, Inner Permaculture, Integrate, Make No Waste, Maximize the Edges, Obtain a Yield, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback

We spent the day cleaning our barn out yesterday.  It felt so good to get things moved out of our space that we no longer have use for.  It is always an interesting balance to strike between ‘making no waste’ and becoming hoarders!  We have taken the stance that if we have a project in […]

July 27, 2015

Making the Bed

Catch and Store Energy, Choose Small and Slow Solutions, From Pattern to Details, Inner Permaculture, Observe and Interact, Permaculture Principles, Self-Regulate and Accept Feedback

I read a study once that said that people who make their beds every day are happier.  I have thought of that study often; questioning its validity.  How can you judge happiness, this is not a quantifiable thing?  What significance does making a bed really have in the scope of the events in a day?  I hardly […]

December 16, 2014