Season of Decay

Inner Permaculture, Make No Waste, Permaculture Principles / Tuesday, October 21st, 2014

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Fall is the time of harvest, of endings, and ultimately a time of decay.  It is this time of year where what is left over returns to the earth and becomes fodder for next year’s yield.  We are blessed to live in Ontario, where we get to experience four seasons a year.  As I move through the seasons, I’m reminded of the cycles of life.

I have also been making connections to my cycles of learning.  What once seemed like ripe fruit is now old, fallen, shrivelled and inedible.  How when I take on new ideas and incorporate them into my life, there is a natural decay of old ideas, contributing as compost for future growth.  I am a sum of my experiences – no waste.

There is a science experiment you can do with children, where you take a green leaf and soak it in rubbing alcohol in order to remove the chlorophyl from the leaf.  When this happens, the true colours of the leaves are revealled – reds, oranges and yellows.  As my thinking and living moves further from convention, I am curious to see what true colours lie beneath the green of my leaves?  What will each season of decay reveal for my family tree?

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