About once a week, I get an urge to get out of the house…by myself. I need time to run on my own schedule and not worry about anything or anyone other than myself. Call it my selfish-hour, or as I prefer; my sanity-hour. I consider it my way to ‘catch and store energy’ for the coming week at home with the children. Oftentimes this hour or two turns into something consumerist and rushed, impulsive, and ultimately unsatisfying. I am often drawn to ‘running errands’ picking up small things here and there that is otherwise not worth the effort with three littles in tow. Perhaps it’s because these small tasks of purchasing make me feel like I’m accomplishing something. This is the exact reason I needed to not run errands this week when I needed out…I am awakening to the puppetry behind some of my feelings of ‘accomplishment.’
On Sunday in the late afternoon, I was itching to do something. I didn’t know what. I sat in my room, quietly nursing the baby and listened. I rarely do that when it comes to my sanity-hour; usually I’m peeling out of the house so quickly that I scarcely know what I’m intending to do. This week was different. After some deep listening, I decided I needed to make some art. To be outdoors. To engage with nature. I took my camera to the back roads near my house and took photographs as the sun set. An hour seemed like a day, as I approached the world through my lens. I was truly self-indulging and nourishing my soul this time.
What I came home knowing truer than ever is that the simplest things fill our cups, not the false allure of flashy signs and price tags. I came home with cold hands, a warm heart, and some beautiful images. I will share a couple images below, but many will be fodder for future posts. I might have to make a habit of this particular outing. Is there anything you do regularly to feed your soul?

[…] my recent photography foray, I drove out to the country to find some interesting subject material. As I was taking photos, I […]
[…] space for myself and exercising self-compassion. Right now, I do this through meditation, photography and writing. I work to create space and build up comfort around myself wherever I can. I root […]