I have just made a most delicious fruit leather! Our children love to eat fruit leathers and this one is particularly good, so it’s nearly half gone already! I love using raw food ingredients to get the most nutritional benefit.
Here’s how I made it…
Combine the following in a food processor or blender:
6 cups fresh pumpkin
4 cups applesauce, or peeled and cored apples
2 tbsp. honey (or to taste if you like it sweeter!)
1/4 tsp. nutmeg
1/4 tsp. ginger
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
Dehydrate on teflon sheets. Try to spread the mixture a bit thicker around the edges to ensure even drying. I started the dehydrator at 145 degrees for about one hour to heat the machine up, then I reduced the temperature to 115 degrees to maintain the nutrient density as a living food. I left it in the machine over night, turning the trays just before bed (the side nearest the fan seems to dry much quicker, so turning the trays helps it to dry evenly and be done by morning).
