Looking at the reasons why you may want your child to leave their current educational environment can help bring clarity to your decision about whether or not to make a change in your child’s education.
Begin by watching the short video below, which contains a clarity building exercise for you to do. Please take the time to fully complete the exercise before continuing with the rest of the content on this page. The more thought and care you put into the activities, the more you will get out of it. Sometimes it helps to walk away from something and see what other ideas bubble up before moving on. Keep in mind this challenge has been designed for you to complete at your own pace, take advantage of that!
Please take time to complete your push factors web before continuing with the content.
Take Time to Reflect
There are 7 main reasons why parents choose homeschooling. I call these the “Push Factors” because they are the things about the education system which are not working, and pushing you out.
In this video, I will talk about the 7 most common reasons why educational environments are sometimes tricky for kids. I expand on each with a bit of insider knowledge gleaned from having a foot in both worlds of public education and homeschooling.
Use the information in this video to round out your own web of push factors. Are there things you hadn’t considered? Add them.
Time to Reflect
After watching the “Unpacking Push Factors” video, Create a ‘why’ statement that reflects you reasons for wanting to leave public education.
An example might be something like…
“Our family is choosing to homeschool because the current public school system doesn’t align with our family values and beliefs. As well, we want more freedom and flexibility when it comes to learning and skill development. We also want to be able to spend more TIME with our children, especially when they are young and developing foundations that will impact them the rest of their lives.”
A ‘why’ statement allows you to sum up all of your ideas in one concise sentence. This is helpful when communicating with others and meeting questions from the world at large about your educational choices. In addition, it can help you in times where you question your decisions and yourself.
Take some time to come up with your ‘why statement’ now and record it somewhere that you will be able to refer back to in the future.