Celebrating Life

Catch and Store Energy, Food, People Care, Permaculture Ethics, Use and Value Gifts from Nature / Monday, March 30th, 2015

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Today is my husband’s birthday.  The children are always excited for anything ‘birthday!’  So we did it up right; we blew up balloons, made cupcakes, and wrapped him up a big present (work gloves, a watering can, some ‘real’ cinnamon sticks and a photo book of a recent vacation).  Rob is a modest man.  He rarely takes notice of his important achievements or events, so I take it upon myself to show him just how much he means to us!  We decided to have a midday party, and invited two of Rob’s dearest friends for lunch. It was such a blessing to have members of our growing community participating in our family event today.  I was rejuvenated by the presence of meaningful friendship.  We meandered through discussions of seeds, cooking, Lego, Permaculture, passions, inner transition work, and the dental hygiene of pirates – thanks to the chocolate cupcakes.  Then the boys headed out to survey the latest forest garden project in the sunshine.  We shared joy.  Laughter.  Gratitude.  It was everything a birthday should be.

Today marks a day for me to revel in how amazing Rob is.  To take notice of all that he offers this world and how blessed I am to have his presence and love in my life.  How marvelous it is that he is.

In the course of our days filled with the busyness of having a family and multiple other pursuits, it is easy to lose sight of how sacred our relationship is.  Somehow the years have flitted past, not without notice, but without a consciousness of the changes. It is hard to remember my life before Rob was part of it.  We started our life together when I was only sixteen years old.  As I reflect back on our teenage selves, I feel so excited about where our lives have taken us, and the potential for where we will go next.  We have grown together.  As we have taken shape alongside each other, our roots have become so intertwined that it now difficult to tell whose are whose.  I am so blessed to have this man by my side.  One who loves me unconditionally.  I never knew I could love someone so deeply.

I have such gratitude for this birth day.  The one that celebrates a beautiful gift to this world.  The one that changed my life.  The one that sparked the lives of my children.

Look at all we’ve made.

Happy Birthday Rob!

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