Scheduling Sanity
Do you find that you don’t have enough time to get everything accomplished? Our family was feeling stretched, so we decided to start a new family rhythm!
Do you find that you don’t have enough time to get everything accomplished? Our family was feeling stretched, so we decided to start a new family rhythm!
“Great Things are done by a series of small things being brought together” -Vincent VanGogh As we inch our way into 2018 we have found ourselves commiserating about all of the things that we did not accomplish in 2017. The gardens weren’t well tended and yields were low, we didn’t have any goslings in the […]
Making the descent into the unknown is a scary ride. We are currently working our way out of this wonderful home that has been our comfort for over 8 years. I love this house. It makes me feel good. But it has become clear that it no longer serves us. We were different people than […]
We are blessed to live in Canada, with four seasons. The season of autumn signals the beginning of turning inward. A time for dreaming and planning while cozy indoors for the winter months. But it doesn’t seem so enticing as the days are growing shorter and we are losing the time in daylight to wrap […]
The downside of a digitized culture is that it makes it so easy to feel like we’re ‘missing out’ on things. Here I find another place where I’m unlearning what has been bestowed upon me. I will on occasion experience feelings of loss because of the choices we’re making as a family to diverge from […]
I am currently struggling with my lack of defined goals for the future. Now that I’m a stay-at-home unschooling mom, I feel lost at times, wanting there to be some sort of tangible short term goal to reach. There isn’t one. And as far as my children’s education is concerned, I don’t want there to […]