Get Low


Fear has a way of shackling our souls – tying us down with invisible tethers.  Finding a way to rise up out of the darkness must happen in small increments.  There are ways to move into it – taking tiny steps toward the light.  Or just tiny steps, walking anyway – moving slowly and gingerly, […]

November 15, 2016

Be Brave


There are days where it feels like I’m not getting things right.  Days when I wonder what it is exactly that I’m offering this world.  There have been a lot of these since we moved.  I wonder how to share my gifts as I’m trapped under a mountain of work.  I think about how I […]

October 19, 2016

Change Contortions


“To put it concisely, we suffer when we resist the noble and irrefutable truth of impermanence and death.  First, we expect that what is always changing should be graspable and predictable.  Second, we proceed as if we were separate from everything else, as if we were a fixed identity, when our true situation is egoless.  […]

August 9, 2016

The Forest Garden Convergence is SOON!


I am really starting to get excited for this year’s Forest Garden Convergence!  The planning phase is over, now we’re putting things together for what promises to be an amazing and inspirational day.  I’m looking forward to learning from others and having the opportunity to meet some like-minded people. A few highlights for the day […]

May 15, 2015

Liebster Award


I have been nominated for a Liebster Award by  EarthZenMama!  I am so honoured to have received this award as I consider myself to be so new to the blogging world…but I suppose that’s what this award is all about! To receive this award, I am required to answer questions posed by my nominator, so below I will answer […]

December 5, 2014