I would like to never use batteries in my home again.
A few of my convenience items are battery operated – my watch, the white noise maker we take with us when napping the baby elsewhere, the baby monitor receiver which comes in handy when I’m at the back of the property. Then there are the host of rechargeable items in my home that have batteries, like my cell phone, camera and iPad. Then I think of our smoke alarms – all four of them and their lifesaving potential.
Very few of my children’s toys are battery operated, but some of their favourites are…like the toy train that my eldest bought with his own money at a thrift store, or the ‘twilight turtle’ that lights up their bedroom ceiling with the constellations of the night sky.
I want this to be a commitment I can make, but right now I can’t. As with all matters of integrity, I will take a moderate approach and begin to navigate this one slowly, and sow seeds of change with my children. Would our lives be worse without these things? Because I know it will be worse with them – filling the earth with battery acid. Perhaps I can commit for the time being to stick to rechargeable batteries only.