
Choose Small and Slow Solutions, Cultivate Diversity, Fair Share, Food, Forest Gardening, Make No Waste, Obtain a Yield, Permaculture Ethics, Permaculture Principles / Friday, August 21st, 2015

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We lost a great deal of our orchard blossoms early in the season during a frost.  It was a disappointing day.  We tried hard to save them, throwing a sheet over each tree, which knocked off some of the blooms in the wind before we decided to remove them.  After the frost hit, Rob got up before sunrise and misted the trees in an effort to prevent the frost from doing damage, a trick we learned from an excellent DVD we own called, “The Permaculture Orchard.”  We still ended up losing most of our fruit.  We have some pears coming on and a few apples.  Last year we were only able to harvest four pears and four Asian pears.  It looks like we’ll have an equally scant year this time around.

We have many interesting and different varieties of fruit.  Apple, pear, plum, corneilian cherry, paw paw, chum.  We are eagerly anticipating the year when we can sample all of the different varieties, selected for winter heartiness, disease and pest resistance.  I can’t wait for the day we have to give fruit away because we couldn’t possibly consume it all!  But this year, I look forward to sampling whatever our orchard offers us, no matter how small the yield.  There is nothing quite like biting into something you’ve grown yourself.

2 Replies to “Anticipation”

  1. Oh how disappointing! Sometimes, obtaining a yield is quite tricky! Sounds like you have great variety in your orchard and I have my fingers crossed for you that you’ll be able to try your own home grown produce 🙂

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