A lot has happened in the past year. In retrospect, many things have shifted for us where at the time it felt like change was slow. It was wonderful to sit and reminisce about where we have been this year, and get excited for where it is we’re headed!
According to my WordPress annual report, the top five posts I published this year are:
First Steps – A post that brought me to tears upon re-reading, since the sentiments are so very true for where we’re at in our journey right now…we have been preparing to move for a very long time. I have worked at adjusting my mental and physical spaces, making room for change. Now…all of a sudden, it’s time!
Truth and Grace – This post was written about my struggle to meet the world with integrity. When I re-read it nearly a year later, there were many things that still felt current. I think the search for balance between truth and grace is one I shall pursue for the rest of my days.
Top 10 Permaculture Parenting Tips – This was my first ‘top 10’ style post, and I was really proud of it! Since writing it, we have been able to phase out of ‘time outs’ even, which is lovely. Sometimes the children are requested to ‘take a break’ from the situation in a location of their choice, but it was nice to see progress in my own parenting methods since posting! I would like to delve further into this topic, and plan to over the next year…perhaps in ebook form? We’ll see!
Should Children Do Chores? – We tried having a set tidy up time before dinner and had a great groove going for a while! Then something interfered with our schedule for a few days (illness? trip? I can’t remember) and we lost our rhythm. Once it was thrown off kilter, it has been hard to regain balance, but we keep trying. There have been a lot of external factors inhibiting our success in this realm. Rather than stress about it, we tidy before dinner on days when it’s possible. Other days, we live with the mess! In the meantime we are also drastically reducing and simplifying the inside of our home so that tidying up is far less overwhelming no matter when it happens.
Offensively Defensive – I still catch myself on rare occasions making apologies for something that hasn’t been identified as a problem. As I have been able to release my defensiveness and assume that people are not passing judgments, I have begun to notice just how much passive aggressive communication happens in our culture. Upon reflection, it is likely the passive aggressive culture that led to my offensive defensiveness, since people are passing judgments all the time! I feel blessed to now be able to witness these judgmental statements as a reflection of the speaker, not myself. I have realized I don’t have to participate in this part of culture, I can just watch it all happen, and the anxiety and fear that goes along with it…from a distance!
Apart from what WordPress had to say, I reviewed many of my posts from the past year, and thought I would share a few more…
My most meaningful post was Facing the Ugliness of Parenting. It was difficult to write and even harder to release to the world. Admitting a lack of perfection is frowned upon in our society, which is exactly why it needs to be normalized! Parenting should not be done in solitude…
A post that was great for me to reread was The Sound of Crying. I am happy to have reminded myself of how important crying is to the landscape of a child. I still struggle with this at time, wanting to stop the sobs for my own purposes. But reading this post again has reminded me of my purpose and dedication to releasing this within myself.
My favourite post from this year was The Rocky Road to Simple Living. I feel like it captures many sentiments and learning that I continually press into. I think ‘simple living’ is actually about continually redefining what it means for myself. To some it might be tending chickens, to others it might mean living with minimal possessions. Ultimately, it means something completely different to each one of us. So it is by very definition a grey area. In the process of defining a ‘simple life’ I am also able to determine that which does not serve me. Simple living is about creating space for what matters, and letting the rest fall away. It is the pursuit of simple living that is difficult because journeys of self-reflection are not easy.
Thank you for reading! Your presence with my words is very much appreciated. Blessings for a wonderful 2016!